Ages 6-12

Do big emotions interfere with play or learning? 

Do play situations need 1-1 adult support? 

Target Ages: 4-8 

Communication Needs: Functional Communication 

*Can be delivered individually

Children's Friendship Training

Children’s Friendship Training (CFT) is a social skills intervention in which participants will learn and practice foundational social skills, through a variety of engaging and fun activities.  CFT is an evidence-based, group-format, parent-assisted social skills intervention for children. 

This training is geared towards motivated children who are interested in learning ways to help them make and keep friends. During each group session, children are taught crucial social skills and are given the opportunity to practice these skills in session during role-play and play activities (e.g. sports, board games, etc.). Parents are taught how to assist their children in making and keeping friends by providing feedback through coaching during weekly socialization homework assignments designed to build on skills practiced in the sessions. 

Topics Covered:

Conversation Cues 

Conversation Cues is a 12-session program teaching the skills needed during conversations.  Sessions are taught using a variety of activities, videos, workbooks, and role-plays. Topics covered include;

PEERS® for Preschoolers

Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relationship Skills (PEERS®) is an evidence-based social skills intervention to teach children between the ages of 4 to 6 years how to make and keep friends.  Children are taught social skills through lessons, puppet shows, and role-play demonstrations, and practice these skills during group socialization activities and weekly homework assignments. 

16 weeks of 1.5-hour sessions, for both children and parents

Children will learn about:

Zones of Regulation - Level 2

Through the implementation of the updated Zones of Regulation curriculum, we will focus on: